September 9, 2015 to September 12, 2015, Yong Du, Cong Zhang, Pangmeng De,Mingyuan Yan, who went to Wuhan to participate in "2015 National Conference and Powder Metallurgy Powder Metallurgy Technology Seminar Across the Taiwan Strait". During the meeting, Prof. DU made a "hard alloy and wear-resistant coating integrated computational materials engineering" report.
Aug. 17-20, 2015,Ming Wei attended 1st International Conference on Computational Design and Simulation of Materials.This meeting is oganized by chief Prof. Dianzhong Li (Institute of Material Research, China). With the attendance of more than 200 people from all over the world.The meeting is mainly hold in two halls at Shenyang China. A total of 77 oral reports, more than 56 posters are there. Ming Wei have proposed oral presentation.
From July 26, 2015 to July 31, 2015, Professor Yong Du and Lijun Zhang, Associate Professor Shuhong Liutook part in 5th Sino-German Symposium “Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Nano and Mesoscale Materials and Their Applications” at Changchun. The symposium was organized by Prof. Qing Jiang, Jilin University and Prof. J. Neugebauer,Max-Planx-Institute for Iron, with the attendance of 40 people from China, Germany, USA, Singapore.There are 40 oral and 4 POSTER presentations.Prof. Yong Du, Prof. Lijun Zhang and Associated Prof. Shuhong Liu gave oral presentations.
From July 10, 2015 to July 14, 2015, Professor Yong Du, Associate Professor Shuhong Liu, Doctorial student Juan Chen, Doctorial student Hui Feng, Doctorial student Yafei Pan, Master student Xuwen He, Master student Weiteng Guo, Master student Dongjia Cao took part in Chinese material conference 2015 in Gui Yang. Yong Du had a oral report entitled by “The thermodynamic and kinetic database of cemented carbide and wear-resistant coating and integrated calculation materials engineering”, Shuhong Liu had a oral report entitled by “Experimental investigation and thermodynamic modeling of the multicomponent Mg-based alloys”, Juan Chen had a oral report entitled by “Thermodynamic description, diffusivities and atomic mobilities in binary NiOs system”, Hui Feng had a oral report entitled by “Influence of the precipitation phases on corrosion property of the Mg riched Mg-Al-Zn alloys”, Weiteng Guo had a oral report entitled by “Microstructure and composition of (V,Cr,W)Cx layers at WC/Co interfaces in ultrafine-grained cemented carbides co-doped with Cr and V”, Dongjia Cao had a oral report entitled by “Phase-field Simulation of Microstructure Evolution in the Single-Crystal Ni-Based Superalloy TMS-113 During Solidification”, Yafei Pan had a poster entitled by “Phase equilibria of the Co-Ta-Zr system in the Co-rich portion”, Xuwen He had a poster entitled by “The experimental investigation of multilayer graded cemented carbides based on the miscibility gap in the HfC-TiC system”.
July 6-July 10,2015, This school is organized by Prof. Bo. Sundman (INSTN & KTH). With the attendance of about 25 people from all over the world. The school is mainly hold in Center Port-Royal, Saclay, France. The courses were taught by Prof. Sundman and Dupin, the contents of the lectures on the experiments, the first-principle calculation and the thermodynamic modelling were given by the Professors who come from the United States, Germany and Thermo-Calc company, respectively.
Dr. Shunli Shang from Prof. Z-K Liu’s group, Penn State University, USA is now under an academic visiting in our group. From June 22 to July 3. During which, he will do research work together with Dr. Jiong Wang on the stacking fault property of Ni-alloys. He will also guide research work of Ph.D and Mater students, as well as compose a lecture entitled “New understandings of phases and thermodynamics”.
Prof. Yong Du(Plenary speaker),Prof. Lijun Zhang,Xianxin Long and Yuling Liu attended the 7th Symposium on Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams, which was held in Bor on 8 June 2015. Prof. Yong Du made the plenary presentation and the title is “Thermodynamic and thermophysical databases of multi-component Al alloys and their applications to simulation of microstructure evolution”. Prof. Lijun Zhang made the oral presentation and the title is ”A quantitative phase-field model with finite interface dissipation”. Yuling Liu made the oral presentation and the title is ”Thermodynamic assessment of the Bi-Ni and Bi-Ni-X (X = Ag, Cu) systems”. Xianxin Long presented his poster and the title is “Toughening strategies basis on: Space occupancy and site occupancy of transition elements in the C15 NbCr2 by first-principles”.
This meeting is oganized by chief Prof. G. Cacciamani (University of Genova). With the attendance of more than 200 people from all over the world. The meeting is mainly hold in a hall at Loano, Italy. A total of 95 oral reports, more than 114 posters are there. Yong Du, Lijun Zhang, Shuhong Liu, Rong Wang and Jinghua Xin have proposed oral presentations, while Chong Chen, Weimin Chen, Cong Zhang both have posters. Chong Chen’s poster is selected as “the MOST OUTSTANDING POSTER” of CALPHAD XLIV, with an award of 500 $.
On May 24, 2015, as a member of the defense committee, PD Dr. Sergiy Divinski attended the Ph.D defense of Ms. Dandan Liu entitled “The lattice and grain boundary diffusion in the disordered and ordered phases of some key systems in the Al alloys”; May 26 to 27, 2015, PD Dr. Sergiy Divinski attended the 2015 Sino-German Cooperation Group "Microstructure in Al alloys" Bilaterral Symposium & 1st Sino-German Symposium on "Phase-Field method and its applications", gave an oral presentation entitled “Precipitation and Grain Boundary Diffusion in Al-based alloys”, and moderated Session V of the symposium as the session chairman.
May 21 to 25, 2015:Teacher Jianchuan Wang and PhD candicates of JInhua Xin attended The 8th International Conference on Computational Nanoscience and New Energy Materials (CNNEM 2015). This meeting is held by Advanced Functional Materials and Green Energy Division& Algorithms Division of CSRC (Beijing Computational Science Research Center). With the attendance of more than 200 people, including attending school of tsinghua university, Beijing university, metal institute of Shenyang, Shanghai university, suzhou university, dalian institute of technology, etc. The meeting is mainly hold in a hall, together with two poster exhibition halls, a total of 61 oral reports, more than 50 posters are there. Jianchuan Wang has done an oral presentation, while Jinghua Xin has one poster.
April 20 to 24, 2015: Prof. Yong Du and PhD candicates of Shaoqing Wang and Yuxiang Xu attended the “International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF2015). The titles of the oral presentations given by Prof. Du, Mr. Wang and Mr. Xu were “Structure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of TiAlN/AlTiN Multilayer”; “Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation of CVD Process for MT-Ti(C,N) Coating”; “Structure and Mechanical Properties of TiAlN/ZrN Multilayer Coatings by Combining Experimental Investigation and First-principles Calculations”.
December 11, 2014 to January 1, 2015: Upon the invitation of Prof. Lijun Zhang, Dr. Shihuai Zhou from Ames Laboratory at Iowa State, USA visited our group and gave a presentation entitled “Energetic analysis of nonequilibrium phase transformations”.
2014 |2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008