Under Investigation:
1)The “973” sub-project entitled “Thermodynamicand thermophysical properties of multi- component and multi-phase Al alloys and their influence on microstructural evolution during Non-equilibrium solidification”. (Grant No. 2011CB610401).
2) Free application project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, which is entitled “The atomic mobility and diffusion growth model of the ordered phases in the Al-Fe-Ni-Si Quaternary system” (Grant No. 51071179).
3) Youth Foundation project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, which is entitled “Atomic scale simulation, thermal stability and hardening effect of aging of the Ti-Al-Zr-N coatings” (Grant No. 51001120).
4) The Creative Group project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China: Basic application research of the special powder metallurgy materials (Grant No. 50721003).
5) The Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China: Microstructure evolution of Al alloys during age-hardening process via a hybrid approach of thermodynamics and kinetics (Grant No. 50831007).
6)Youth Foundation project of National Natural Science Foundation of China: Atomic simulation of crystal structure and thermodynamic properties of the Al-Mg-Si metastable alloys (Grant No. 50801069)
7) Free application Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China: Investigation of phase equilibria、diffusion and corrosion resistance of Mg-Y-Zn-Zr alloy (Grant No. 50971135)
8) A joint project sponsored by Sino-German Science Center:Integrated approach to develop thermodynamic, diffusivity and interfacial energy properties and their impacts on microstructural evolution during solidification of aluminium alloys (Grant No. GZ522)
9) A joint proposal by Sino-German Science Center:Phase equilibria of the Mg-Zn-RE systems investigated via a hybrid approach of key experiment, CALPHAD and First-principles calculation (Grant No. GZ591).
10) A joint proposal by Prof. Z.K. Liu and Prof. Yong Du was granted by National Natural Science Foundation of China: Theoretical and experimental investigation of the diffusion and phase stability of the Ni-based super alloys.
1)Fundamental 863 Project: Research and Fabrication of Bulk metallic glasses (Grant No. 2003AA302520, P.R. China).
2)Austrian Science Foundation: Establishment of thermodynamic database of multi-component Ni-based super-alloy (Grant No. FWF, P16422, in cooperation with Professor Dr. J.C. Schuster of University of Vienna, Austria).
3)Furong Scholar Program Released by Hunan Provice.
4)International exchange program of National Natural Science Foundation of China: Measurement of formation enthalpy of ternary compounds and thermodynamic modeling in the Al-Ni-Pt, Al-Ni-Ce and Al-Fe-Si systems (Grant No. 50425103, in cooperation with Professor Philip Nash of Illinois Institute of Technology).
5) Open Project Program of State Key Laboratory of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics: Thermodynamic properties of Al-Ni-X(X=Ce, Si) ternary alloy studied by first-principles calculations and experiments (Grant No. SKL200801SIC).
6)National Outstanding Youth Science Foundation of China: Prediction of Materials properties based on the knowledge of both thermodynamics and kinetics ( Grant No. 50425103).
7)National Natural Science Foundation of China: Investigation of the relationship between phase diagram and the form of amorphous and quasicrystal in Al-Ce-Mn-Ni system (Grant No. 50571114).
8)Chang Jiang Scholar Program released by Ministry of Education of China.
9)Hunan Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China: Investigation of phase diagram and crystallography of the Al-Fe-Si ternary system by CALPHAD, Key-Experiments and First-Principle Methodology (Grant No. 60JJ20010).
10) Key project of Science and technology Department of Hunan province: Design and production of coating using in cemented carbides.
11)Open Project Program of State Key Laboratory of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics: Investigation of of Formation Enthalpy of the ternary compounds and phase diagram of the Al-Fe-Si system: Incorporate First-Principles Calculations and Experimental Determination (Grant No. SKL200606SIC).
12)Open Project Program of Xiangtan University: Gradient Cemented Caebide Alloy System Ti-Ta-X (X=Co,Ni,Fe).
13)Open Project Program of Xiangtan University: Investigation of Surface Kinetics Based on Lattice Dynamics and Molecular Dynamics (Grant No. KF0701).
14)Open Project Program of Shenzhen University: Rare Earth Filled Limits and Properties of Skutterudite and Performance Forecast by First-Principles Calculations (Grant No. T0803).
15) Open key project of Harbin Institute of Technology: Preparation and Investigation of Ta-Al-X-N (X=Si, V, Y, Nb) quaternary coatings.
16) Evaluation on Crystal structure, phase diagram, and Materials properties of metal and ceramic systems (Projected supported by Materials Science International Services, GmbH, Data and Knowledge Base for Materials Development, Stuttgart, Germany).