Five postdoc positions at State Key Lab of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University
1. Five postdoc positions
Up to 5 postdoctoral positions are available at State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University of China. The postdocs will perform research studies in Prof. Dr. Yong Du’ group.
2. Requirements for postdocs
Research experience is required in one or more of the following areas:
1) phase diagram and thermodynamic calculations, calculations of thermophysical properties (diffusivities, interfacial energies, thermal conductivities, molar volumes, etc.);
2) intelligent computation methods for materials design and development of scientific databases (thermodynamic database, thermophysical property database and so on);
3) finite element analysis, crystal plasticity finite element modeling;
4) phase field modeling;
5) software development for Integrated Computational Materials Engineering and MGI.
3. Grant for postdocs
The annual salary is 160,000~300,000 RMB (about 25000~47000 US dollar; pre-tax, including state allowance). A social insurance and a temporary apartment or housing subsidy of 1800 RMB/month will be covered by the university. In addition, a start-up research funding of 20,000 RMB is provided for each postdoc.
4. Contacts
Please send your curriculum vitae and additional materials (publications and personal awards) to Dr. Yuling Liu (E-mail:; Cell phone: 187 1108 4610). All materials received will be kept confidential.
Address:State Key Lab of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, P. R. China
Postcode: 410083
Contact: Dr. Yuling Liu (+86-187 1108 4610; E-mail: